“Research shows that overall, far fewer donors are using cash whilst more are giving using contact-free and digital methods, such as via a website or app, or by debit card”

Introducing a donor button on your website or social media pages can be a helpful addition, as well as adding links to email signatures and social media links. This approach can also help reinforce the message of your charitable work and status. There are a range of websites who can assist online giving, from auction websites and micro donations to text donations.

There are a number of fundraising and donor platforms available online for charities to use as a tool to generate income. Some of these websites are offered free of charge and others charge a fee or percentage of the money raised. It’s important to carry out some research into the best option for your organisation. Reviews and overviews of some of the donor platforms available to use and associated costs can be found at the links below:

Helpful Links

Charity Excellence- Fundraising Websites and Platforms

Charity Digital – Topics – The best payment gateways for charities

Charity Digital – Topics – The best online fundraising platforms for charities

Charity Digital – Topics – The best UK charity text donation services